Leaf Point of Sale Tablet (bdg)

The LeafPresenter is a custom Android tablet with integrated credit card reader. Work on the Leaf project included: Concept brainstorming and prototyping of novel charging stand and tablet assemblies. Feasibility modeling for intended use and foreseeable misuse cases. Competitive product research and comparison studies.

LENSAR Ophthalmic Laser (bdg)

The LENSAR Ophthalmic Laser system is an automated surgical aid to assist with cataract removal procedures. Project work included: Develop novel concealed hinge mechanism concepts. Sourcing and quoting for sheet metal and machined parts. Compile kit of manufacturing control drawings.

Olympus Xpert XRF Analyzer (bdg)

The Xpert XRF Analyzer provides a non-destructive test to check for the presence and composition of heavy metals in a given sample. Work on the Xpert device included: Use-case modeling and conceptual design. Line-of-sight analysis to avoid X-ray “leakage.” Component selection for hinge and gas-spring loaded door. Sheet metal part construction, working directly with industrial …

Winter in Lowell

Amy and I went out in the snow yesterday and snapped a few decent photos. It’s remarkable how seasons change even old mill cityscapes just as much as they do those of a more “natural” variety. Full set here, with more to come once I’ve had a chance to adjust a few others.

Blackstone Reenactment

My father has been doing Civil War reenactments for a while now, and I finally went to one this past weekend to spectate. It was held at Daniels Farmstead in Blackstone, MA on an absolutely gorgeous (if a bit hot) day, although I was quite happy to not be wearing a full wool uniform. The …

Saugus Iron Works

Apparently there is a National Historic Site within 10 minutes of our apartment, the Saugus Iron Works. It lies on the Saugus River, just off of Route 1. Since the likelihood of having weather as nice as it was today before next Spring is slim, we figured it was a good time to check it …


I don’t know what is in any of these. I do know that there were countless more being unloaded while our cruise ship was leaving Boston. And that’s just the same every day. Lots of stuff.

Blue Globe Thistle

This is a Blue Globe Thistle (according to Betsy). I am not sure if it is classified as a flower or something else, but what I do know is that it looks pretty darn cool and it is fun to take pictures of.